Case Studies

Finding a remote Platform Engineer in LatAm for Peel

Discover how Peel found a remote Platform Engineer in LatAm. Learn about their strategic approach, results, and key takeaways in hiring top talent.


Peel is a groundbreaking platform that precomputes and automates data analysis for direct-to-consumer (D2C) brands, empowering them to gain deeper insights into customer trends and enhance personalization in their customer journey. Trusted by leading brands like True Classic, Jones Road Beauty, Supergoop!, Once Upon a Farm, and Maude, Peel extracts data from integrated tech stacks, analyzes it comprehensively, and delivers generative business intelligence insights. 


The Challenge

Peel faced obstacles when they set up to hire remote talent, especially in securing a remote Platform Engineer to join their team despite their cutting-edge data analysis approach. They struggled to find the right professional to drive their platform's expansion and evolution.

After looking for several months on their own, they reached out to us to explore nearshore hiring.


The Approach

We initiated a thorough understanding of Peel's needs and challenges in finding suitable talent. They were looking for an Engineer with a strong knowledge of Python and a great capacity to work under pressure, especially during the live assessments.

We commenced immediate sourcing efforts and, within two weeks, identified several candidates who seemed like a potential match. However, Peel's rigorous recruitment process ensured that only the most qualified candidates proceeded.

The process included 2 long live assessments. Not all candidates were able to complete the tests successfully.

Three candidates were introduced, and one progressed to the final round, receiving a compelling offer. This candidate boasted five years of experience and demonstrated immense potential.



Case study results-1

Peel was so delighted with their recent first hire, that they decided to work again with Awana to find a Front-end developer—a new position for us!

During this time, we found truly amazing candidates. And while one of them withdrew from the process, the remaining two candidates excelled in subsequent rounds.

To our surprise Peel decided to make an offer to both of them, showcasing Peel's true commitment to securing top talent and investing in their growth.

It took us only around one month to close the process for these two new hires.

Additionally, Peel's competitive salary offerings underscored their dedication to attracting and retaining exceptional professionals.



Peel's hiring experience in Latin America was rewarding, characterized by strong communication and a collaborative relationship with their hiring manager.

Despite incorporating a long hiring process, we worked hand-in-hand with the Peel team to create an excellent candidate experience that guaranteed the process's completion, ongoing feedback, and a robust talent pipeline. 

Peel's willingness to recognize and pursue talent, even when unplanned, demonstrated their agility and commitment to excellence.


Ready to explore LatAm and hire remote developers? We got you.


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